We are very happy to announce our new Website

Dear Customers and Friends,

We are very happy to announce that our new website and new blog is now online for the general public to see. I hope you will like our new website and the new blog, we’re always welcome your feedback and ideas to help us improve and to serve you better. To go along with this first post, I have also included some surfing videos on YouTube for your enjoyment. Please check it out!

We intend to use this blog as a medium/platform for communicating with you so please come back from time to time.

There will several regular weekly posts uploaded to this blog and the post will range from tips and tricks on

  1. Surfing’s Lessons
  2. Weather forecast,
  3. Funny pictures,
  4. Frequent questions that needs answering,
  5. Information relating to Bali and surfing,
  6. Special discounts promotions,
  7. Coupons
  8. Our hall of shame and our hall of fame
  9. Services and product discussion,
  10. Behind the scenes stories,
  11. Customer testimonials and so much more,

Things I think you will find most interesting about us, information that you will previously only know if you sit at the dinner table with us.

However, If you have topics that you’d want us to discuss, share, please let us know by emailing info@odysseysurfschool.com we are all ears.

As a start, we have gone to great lengths in making these vides for you. I hope you will like them and hopefully (wishful thinking) that you’d share them… let us know if you do, we will thank you in our own personal way.

Please feel free to make comments.


We appreciate your business and your continuing support. Remember, talk to us, email us, chat with us!



Marketing manager
Management OdysseySurfschool.com