Easy Indonesian language for travelling in Bali

When you come to Bali for holiday or travelling, most of the people will speak English. In the touristic places like Kuta, Seminyak, Sanur and Nusa Dua everyone in the tourism sector will speak proper English, especially the younger people. But when you leave these areas and go more to the east or middle of the island, it can be hard to communicate in English with the locals. To make it easier, we made a list with some Indonesian words and sentences that can be very helpful during your stay in Bali, Indonesia.


Greetings in Bahasa Indonesia:

Good morning = Selemat Pagi

Good day = Selamat Siang

Good afternoon = Selamat Sore

Good evening = Selamat Malan

Good bye ( to a leaving person) = Selamat Jalan

Good bye (if you are the person leaving) = Selamat tinggal

How are you? = Apa Kabar

I’m great = Baik baik


Useful Indonesian Words

Good = Bagus

Very good = Bagus Sekali

Not good = Tidak Bagus

Fine = Baik

Yes = Ya

No = Tidak

Like = Suka

Don’t Like = Tidak Suka

I want = Mau

Don’t want = Tidak mau

Expensive = Mahal

Cheap = Murah


Indonesian Pronouns:

Me = Saya

You = Anda

You (to adult man, sir) = Pak

You (to adult woman, madam) = Ibu

He/she = Dia

We = Kita

Them/They = Mereka



Who? = Siapa?

Why? = Kenapa?

What? = Apa?

When? = Kepan?

Where? = Kemana?

How? = Bagaimana?

How many? = Berapa?

How much is this? = Berapa ini?

How much is that? = Berapa Itu?

How long? = Berapa lama?

How far? = Berapa Jauh?

How old? = Berapa umur?



Please (can I have?) = Minta

Please (help me) = Tolong

Thank you = Terima Kasih

You’re Welcome = Sama Sama

I’m Sorry = Saya minta ma’af



Eat = Makan

Cow = Sapi

Chicken = Ayam

Goat = Kambing

Fish = Ikan

Pork = Babi

Shrimps = Udang

Crab = Kepiting

Vegetables = Sayuran



Family = Keluarga

Relative = Famili

Friend = Kawan

Lover = Kekasih

Married = Nikah

Husband = Suami

Wife = Isteri

Father = Bapak

Mother = Ibu

Grandmother = Nenek

Grandfather = Kakek

Son = Anak laki

Daughter = Anak perempuan

Child = Anak

Older brother = Abang

Older sister = Kakak

Younger sibling = Adik

Uncle = Paman

Aunt = Bibi

Cousin = Misan

Niece/Nephew = Keponakan


Numbers and counting:

0 = Batal

1 = Satu

2 = Dua

3 = Tiga

4 = Empat

5 = Lima

6 = Enam

7 = Tujuh

8 = Delapan

9 = Sembilan

10 = Sepuluh

11 = Sebelas

12 = Dua Belas

13 = Tiga Belas

14 = Empat Belas

15 = Lima Belas

16 = Enam Belas

17 = Tuju Belas

18 = Delapan Belas

19 = Sembilan Belas

20 = Dua Puluh

21 = Dua Puluh Satu

22 = Dua Puluh Dua

30 = Tiga Puluh

40 = Empat Puluh

50 = Lima Puluh

100 = Seratus

1.000 = Seribu

1.000.000 = Se Juta


With this easy words and sentence you can come pretty far with the communication with the locals. They will like it if you speak first in bahasa Indonesia instead of English and it can help you with bargaining. The Indonesian people are overall very friendly by nature, especially when you talk in their language. We hope to help you a little bit with these simple but useful words and sentences. If you have any questions or comments, don’t be shy and share them with us.